↑ pop-up radio booth – using radio to engage children at school
Mobile, Hyper Real, Pop Up Radio Booth, Radio Us.
26 – 30 july
project info
Mobile, Hyper Real, Pop Up Radio Booth, Radio Us. Delivering 2 events at each Children's Centre, the Partners will be hosting the booth and asking people from the local community what they want from arts and culture. We will record people's opinions as well as consult through other accessible activities including sensory questionnaires, washing lines & graffiti walls. Fabric Lenny will create a bold 3D booth that will dazzle and inspire. Radio 119 will share interviewing skills with parents and act as translators. Leading up to the 2 events Fabric Lenny & WUR Bradford will hold a children's workshop exploring drawing and building the outcomes of which will be drawn into the design of the booth. The radio Booth will create a verbal archive of the public consultation, the written and drawn information collated in a visual document Radio 119 will broadcast on their experience on their bi-weekly show - which will include The Leap's aims and local residents voices.
Organiser: Wur Bradford
Location: Manningham, Girlington