↑ recycled art sessions – making a mess!


Seed bomb and book mark making sessions to recycle the 3000 Keighley Christmas Baubles which Helen and Melissa ran the sessions for in 2021.


project info

Helen James and Melissa Booth ran seed bomb making and book mark making craft sessions in Keighley as a way to recycle the artworks made for the Keighley Christmas Bauble project. They run sessions across Keighley Central with groups of participants at Keighley Healthy Living, Cliffe Castle and Riri's Coffee House. The sessions include themes of environmental sustainability when creating paper-based artworks that are time limited and have a shelf life. Participants will learn craft techniques for repurposing old artwork!


Organiser: Helen James
Locations: Cliffe Castle, Keighley Civic Centre, Riri's Coffee House