↑ create connect make – growing big creative ideas
A pilot project led by artist Jean McEwan, working in Keighley to transform the way libraries embed arts and culture in their spaces.
15 / 21 / 25 October
project info
Create Connect Make is about working with local people to explore and test what culture means to Keighley residents and how libraries can be a space for creative activities to happen and be explored. The project aims to discover and embed the vision for a culturally thriving town, the role of culture and creativity in every-day life and to experiment with co-created cultural activity between communities, libraries and artists.
The project launched with pop-up workshops, facilitated consultations, and discussions with members of the public and community groups. These took place both inside and outside the library and were led by artist Jean McEwan with Keighley Library. Various workshops took place across Keighley as part of the first phase of the Create Connect Make project. The sessions offered participants a range of creative activity and to try new things. These included a paper and clay workshop, book- and zine-making workshop and calligraphy workshop as ways to explore demand and aspirations for cultural activity in Keighley.
One of the participants said, 'It’s been a long time since I have been this happy!’ and was keen to show her pages as she made them. A significant number of participants have never been to the library and so the project has developed a way to reach and engage residents who would not usually visit Keighley Library!
Organiser: Keighley Library
Website: www.createconnectmake.co.uk